Using a CSV file as a Data Source in Gatsby
Hey! Just so you know, this article is over 2 years old. Some of the information in it might be outdated, so take it with a grain of salt. I'm not saying it's not worth a read, but don't take everything in it as gospel. If you're curious about something, it never hurts to double-check with a more up-to-date source!
You can view the current build of the project on Netlify via
The final source code for this project is available in its public GitHub repository.
You can also fork and modify the project on CodeSandbox at its public box.
#Recently I worked on a client project which required the use of a CSV file to populate a mapping tool with data. This CSV file acted as if it were a database, giving context to locations.
After exploring options in converting the CSV to JSON using a node express server, I found that converting 60,000+ rows of data to endpoints of JSON would result in huge routes, that when saved as a file totalled 250MB in size.
The large endpoints, amongst issues with hosting resource-heavy applications, wasn't an ideal solution and again exploration of alternatives began.
Which leads me to the content of this blog post.
As the main mapping tool was created using Gatsby, I started to explore how I could convert the file to JSON at build-time instead of run-time.
Fortunately, I found a Gatsby plugin which allowed me to drop a CSV file into my Gatsby data directory and build a GraphQL schema based on that file during build-time.
While the solution I detail in this blog wasn't the final implementation in the mapping tool, it did serve as a lesson into how adaptable Gatsby is and what amazing plugins are on offer to developers using the framework.
The Challenge
#To explore the Gatsby CSV data plugin, I've set the challenge to create a Gatsby site which converts a CSV file to a GraphQL schema which can be used in page components to list the nodes found in the schema (e.g. list of people).
We will also set the challenge of creating individual pages for each node found in this new schema using the Gatsby node file.
#The final solution is a Gatsby website generated and hosted for free on Netlify available at All of the source code is managed on CodeSandbox but could be pulled down from its GitHub repository if you wanted to clone the example in a local environment.
Solving The Challenge
#Getting Some Data
#To explore the Gatsby CSV data plugin, we first need a CSV file to experiment with.
I did a search on GitHub for a random .csv file and came across this 'people-example.csv' found in a development course.
Note: The columns in the file were inconsistent so I've formatted them consistently to avoid confusion when querying later.
The CSV file is small with five records of information on people. Each record contained information including -
- First name
- Last name
- Age
- Country of Residence
Gatsby Starter Kit
#To get started on the site, I first forked a basic Gatsby starter kit which included some basic plugin configuration for data sources, web manifest files and gatsby image transforming.
After forking the starter, I then scraped out all of the extras that weren't required for this example to remove any confusion to developers who inspected the source code for the project.
Including the Plugin
#Next, I needed to make the CSV contents available to Gatsby as a GraphQL schema. This was done with the Gatsby Source CSV transformer plugin.
The Gatsby source CSV transform plugin requires the existing Gatsby project to already be using the 'gatsby-source-filesystem'plugin. The source filesystem plugin makes specified directories available to Gatsby during the build process.
Once both plugins have been installed with the use of the command line `npm i gatsby-source-filesystem gatsby-transformer-csv'you will then need to add the following configuration to your gatsby-config.js file.
Our New GraphQL Schema
#With this configuration, when you run `gatsby develop'you will now have a new schema available to you in your GraphQL explorer (commonly found at https://localhost:8000/___graphql).
The name of this new schema is based on the filename of your CSV file. So by using the CSV file name people.csv, I now have access to nodes under PeopleCsv in my GraphQL schema.
If I wanted to access all nodes created by the CSV transformer plugin, I would access allPeopleCsv and query the nodes found under the schema.
Querying Our New CSV GraphQL Schema
#We can use this new schema on our front-end homepage to list out all of the people we find in our CSV file with the use of Gatsby's StaticQuery component.
This example would be best used with pagination but as we only have five records, we are mapping all records found.
Now our IndexPage component has access to the nodes data returned by the GraphQL query. We can now map over the array of nodes found and link through to pages (if available) which we will go into next.
By mapping over the data which is available from our StaticQuery component, we are outputting a list of the people found in our CSV file.
You can also see that each person is wrapped in a Link component which is imported from the gatsby node module. This will allow us to create an anchor link to the individual pages once we've generated them with our gatsby-node.js file.
Creating Pages from CSV Data Programmatically
#To create individual pages for each person found in our CSV file we will first need to create a gatsby-node.js file in our project root directory.
Within this file, we will want to call upon the createPages API that Gatsby provides, create a GraphQL query on our new schema and then run the createPage function on each node we find in our results (if we get any).
Read more about programmatically creating pages using the Gatsby API from their official post.
#To help better organise the codebase, I've created a GraphQL fragment which is used on the index page to query all fields specified in the fragment.
#You can read more about GraphQL fragments and how to include them over in my other blog post. They are great for keeping your projects clean and removes the need for long files.
#It's great to see what's possible with Gatsby and the support developers are providing with new third-party plugins becoming available to the frameworks ecosystem.
If you're looking of building your own implementation of source plugins, do a quick search before you get started. You might save yourself a tonne of time or get a headstart from other developers efforts!
Project Links
#Again, you can view the current build of the project on Netlify via
The final source code for this project is available in its public GitHub repository.
You can also fork and modify the project on CodeSanbox at its public box.
Want More?
#Interested in GraphQL, Gatsby or React? Follow me on Twitter @whatjackhasmade and reach out to discuss more on the technologies, or follow me for news related to the topics.