Southampton Docks
Hey! Just so you know, this article is over 2 years old. Some of the information in it might be outdated, so take it with a grain of salt. I'm not saying it's not worth a read, but don't take everything in it as gospel. If you're curious about something, it never hurts to double-check with a more up-to-date source!
Description - Southampton Docks
#In the early autumn of 2016, August to be exact, I ventured out alone with a camera I had purchased not long before my studies were to begin. I decided to go to the docks of Solent. Little did I know at the time but Southampton has a rich heritage and the history concerning the sea and the docks. I simply knew of the beauty the sun reflects when sunset or sunrise occurs. It was a stressful time; I had been living in Southampton for two weeks. I had grown to enjoy my new friendship group and had dealt with living away from friends and family. I suppose I felt a little lost, coming from the outskirts of Swansea. Southampton isn't the biggest city by any means, but it was like moving to New York, USA. The streets were always busy; the areas populated heavily by students and locals. I knew that the one thing the could remind me that I wouldn't or haven't already changed was the fact that I had a passion for creation. So I picked up the camera, headed out to the docks with low battery and took several photographs before deciding on a favourite. Simply titled 'Southampton Docks', this photo is a reminder of a milestone. I was alone when taking the picture, but I was never alone at Southampton. Everyone that I've met has been a pleasure to talk to, and I've always felt welcomed.