Why did I create my new website webjack?
Hey! Just so you know, this article is over 2 years old. Some of the information in it might be outdated, so take it with a grain of salt. I'm not saying it's not worth a read, but don't take everything in it as gospel. If you're curious about something, it never hurts to double-check with a more up-to-date source!
You already have a blog?
#I already have my website WhatJackHasMade which is my blog site where I post my thoughts, creations, and any piece of content that I have created and wanted to share with the world.
What is Webjack?
#My latest website Webjack.co.uk is based more towards a sort portfolio site where I display and showcase the projects that I've been working on or have work done in the past, that I see as of some significance. However, as I started developing the website, i realised that it was more than just a portfolio to showcase others the works and projects that I have previously worked on. It was also a great way to show milestones of success to myself. Sometimes it is easy to forget what I've done in my career and for my industry, having a timeline acts as a diary. Somewhere I can go to and reflect on my work. The design concept of the website is to work as a chronological display of my work; this is done using a timeline system similar to that of a London tube map where it shows the stops of a service. My life is the train line, and the stops being milestones of what I consider significant and successful points in my career.
Moving forward
#Now that I have the base of the website complete, if I ever find myself feeling like I've made a large step in my career, I can reflect on how important I see the step in releation to my career direction. If I deem the change to be of significance, I can then add it to the website. In the future, I would also like to add a section to the website which lists the talks that I have given as public speaking is something that I am passionate about and wish to grow my skills in social situations.ss